Die Frauenarztpraxis am Kollwitzplatz

Cancer prevention

In our comprehensive preventive care program, we place special emphasis on the early detection of gynecological conditions. This includes an annual cytological smear test to identify changes in the cervix. Additionally, we offer vaginal ultrasound and breast ultrasound to conduct a holistic examination. This approach not only allows for the detection of potential changes but also includes the investigation of infections for comprehensive gynecological health screening.

Prenatal care

In our pregnancy care, we place a special emphasis on comprehensive prenatal care. This includes regular fetal ultrasound examinations to detect possible anomalies early on. We carefully assess infections and provide specialized care for high-risk pregnancies. Our goal is to offer you a safe and nurturing support throughout the entire pregnancy.

Breast consultation

Through the method of high-resolution breast ultrasound examination, known for its high precision, it becomes possible to detect benign and malignant breast diseases at an early stage. This gentle and effective diagnostic method allows for targeted and timely intervention to initiate optimal treatment.


In our gynecologist's office, we offer qualified Botox injections for the treatment of 'frown lines,' 'crow's feet,' and forehead wrinkles, as well as professional lip fillers for an aesthetically appealing overall look.

Dr. Walle


I completed my specialist training at the University Hospital in Malmö. I have worked in various locations, including South Africa, Sweden, France, and Greenland.

Afterwards, I furthered my education in naturopathy and acupuncture. In the outpatient setting, I specialized in ambulatory surgeries.

Languages: German, English, Swedish, Spanish, French.

Dr. Saatci


I have extensive university clinical and surgical experience in gynecologic oncology, including leading my own clinic for breast, ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancer.

During my role as a senior physician at Charité, I actively managed pre- and perinatal high-risk pregnancies, delivered babies, and obtained the additional qualification in special obstetrics and perinatal medicine.

Languages: German, English, French, Turkish.

Privatpraxis Kollwitzplatz

Willkommen in unserer exklusiven Frauenarztpraxis am Kollwitzplatz! Unsere Praxis befindet sich in einem charmanten Umfeld, eingebettet in die lebendige Atmosphäre des Kollwitzplatzes. Mit einem modernen Ambiente, ausgestattet mit fortschrittlicher Technologie, bieten wir Ihnen eine private und entspannte Umgebung für Ihre gynäkologische Versorgung. Unser engagiertes Team hochqualifizierter Ärztinnen setzt sich einfühlsam für Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse ein. 

Mit mehreren Behandlungsräumen und einem einladenden Wartebereich möchten wir sicherstellen, dass Ihr Besuch bei uns so angenehm wie möglich verläuft. Unser Ziel ist es, die Erwartungen unserer Patientinnen zu erfüllen und Ihnen eine professionelle Beratung sowie umfassende Betreuung zu bieten.

Sollten Sie Anliegen oder Verbesserungswünsche haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns anzusprechen. Ihr Wohlbefinden steht für uns an erster Stelle. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in unserer Privatpraxis am Kollwitzstraße 72 willkommen zu heißen.


Overview of our services

We offer you a comprehensive range of treatments and consultations.
We have provided additional information for you under the marked bullet points.

Extended cancer prevention

  • Cytological smear with HPV testing and computer-assisted smear (ThinPrep) for increased safety
  • Testing for vaginal infections, including pH testing, fungal culture establishment, microscopic assessment with and without staining, Chlamydia rapid test, microscopic evaluation for Trichomonads and/or Candida
  • Vaginal ultrasound examination with color Doppler imaging
  • Urine testing
  • Testing for colorectal cancer/bladder cancer

Consultation on contraception

  • Free pregnancy test
  • Comprehensive medical history of all previous illnesses   
  • Introduction to the options of modern contraception
  • Alternative contraceptive methods
  • Ambulatory surgeries (e.g., sterilization according to GOÄ)   
  • IUD insertion, insertion of contraceptive implants, and administration of 3-month injections

Ambulatory surgeries

  • Therapeutic as well as diagnostic ambulatory surgical options
  • Cervical examination (Hysteroscopy with fractional curettage)
  • Cone biopsy (treatment for cervical abnormalities)
  • IUD insertion
  • Marsupialization (abscess drainage)
  • Endometrial ablation (cauterization of the uterine lining for excessive menstrual bleeding)


  • Botox injections in the area of 'frown lines,' 'crow's feet,' and forehead wrinkles
  • Lip fillers

Ultrasound examinations

  • Female pelvis
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Pregnancy
  • Color Doppler examinations
  • 3D / 4D fetal ultrasound

Special Doppler examination

  • Color Doppler sonography

    Doppler sonography examines the blood flow in the uterine vessels, umbilical cord vessels, and fetal vessels. This allows for the detection of pregnancy-related maternal conditions or fetal growth disorders.

Prenatal care

  • Maternity check-ups
  • Nutritional counseling during pregnancy
  • Acupuncture
  • Breastfeeding consultation

Specialized high-risk pregnancy care

Management of high-risk pregnancies:

  • Fetal growth disorders
  • Fetal malformations or diseases
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Preeclampsia, eclampsia, high blood pressure
  • Infections
  • Maternal underlying health conditions/chronic diseases or new illnesses during pregnancy

Cost information

Dear patients,

it has been more than 25 years since the physicians' fee schedule (GOÄ) was last updated. Especially the billing for conversations and consultations no longer meets today's requirements.

The increased need for information and the general time required for documentation, data protection requirements, and other administrative processes necessitate an adjustment. Often, the calm doctor-patient conversation and jointly weighing the next treatment steps, as well as planning diagnostic measures, are just as important as the actual therapy and should be accordingly considered. Especially in the discussion and assessment of existing findings or medical results, sufficient time should be available.

In order to conduct your consultation and treatment appropriately, we have decided to deviate from the conventional GOÄ and use analogous replacement codes. Below, you will find an overview of the costs for consultation sessions, which are tiered based on duration.

Consultation session


GOÄ code with a scaling factor


For up to 10 minutes

801 (3.5) +3 (1.9)

Approx. 70

For 11 to 20 minutes

801 (3.5) + 806 (3.5) + A33 (1.75)

Approx. 133

For 21 to 30 minutes

801 (3.5) + A30 (2.85)

Approx. 201

For 31 to 40 minutes

801 (3,5) + A33 (2,92) + A30 (3,4)

Approx. 281

For 41 to 50 minutes

801 (3,5) + 806 (3,5) + A808 (10,0)

Approx. 336

For 51 to 60 minutes

801 (3,5) + 806 (3,5) + A33 (3,5) + A808 (233,1)

Approx. 397

Additional costs may apply for services such as ultrasound, preventive examinations, prescription issuance, blood withdrawals, etc. It is important to note that statutory health insurance generally does not cover these additional costs. The reimbursement of additional costs by private health insurance cannot be precisely estimated in advance.

Wish for a child

  • Comprehensive diagnostics for the causes of infertility (stepwise program)
  • Couples counseling
  • Comprehensive evaluation of all findings and therapy recommendations
  • Consultation on all options of modern fertility therapy
  • Consultation on alternatives

Hormone disorders and hormone analysis

  • Consultation and treatment of menstrual disorders, such as heavy menstruation with the risk of anemia, irregular menstruation, premenstrual syndrome
  • Consultation for climacteric symptoms such as hot flashes and their alternative and conservative treatment methods, detailed risk-benefit assessment of hormone replacement therapy versus hormone-free therapy. Possibly acupuncture treatment

Consultation for incontinence

  • Basic diagnostics of voiding disorders, such as involuntary urine leakage during physical exertion or frequent visits to the toilet with prior involuntary urine leakage. Information on non-pharmacological as well as pharmacological to surgical treatment options. Development of a stepwise plan.
  • Possibility of treatment with electrostimulation aids (TENS), consultation on pelvic floor training

Female sexual disorders

  • Consultation and treatment for issues such as loss of libido, painful intercourse, etc.


  • All common vaccinations as well as travel vaccinations
  • Early opportunity for influenza vaccination
  • Review of the vaccination record and consultation regarding missing vaccinations

Girls' clinic

Whether alone with your friend/partner, mother, or father, it is important for us to clarify all questions in a personal, calm conversation in a friendly atmosphere. An examination is not always immediately necessary. In our practice, we all adhere to medical confidentiality, which means that everything to be clarified will be treated confidentially. For the examination, please bring your health insurance card.

What we can offer you:

  • General informational discussions
  • Check of physical development
  • Contraceptive counseling
  • Advice on love and sexuality
  • Guidance on menstrual hygiene
  • Cycle and menstruation/menstrual pain
  • Education on sexually transmitted diseases
  • Pregnancy counseling
  • Preventive vaccinations

Breast consultation

  • Through the method of high-resolution breast ultrasound examination, it is possible to detect benign and malignant breast diseases at an early stage.

Gynecological infections

  • Testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as Chlamydia screening
  • Blood draw: HIV, syphilis, hepatitis
  • Swabs: gonococci, trichomonads, bacteria, fungi

Missed appointment fee

Please note that missed appointments are not reimbursed by health insurance. In our practice, there is no possibility to fill canceled appointments on short notice with waiting patients. Unannounced non-attendance at scheduled appointments not only disrupts the smooth operation of the practice but also hinders the quick and flexible scheduling of appointments.

We kindly request that you notify us of appointment cancellations at least two business days in advance (Mon-Fri), either in writing (via email: kontakt@walle-saatci.de) or by phone (030-48495332 or 030-48494054).

If no timely cancellation is made, we reserve the right to charge you a missed appointment fee of 201 EUR privately (according to §615 BGB).

Of course, we are willing to waive the missed appointment fee on a case-by-case basis, such as in the case of documented emergencies, at our discretion.

Do you have any further questions? Feel free to approach us.


Kollwitzstraße 72, 10435 Berlin


030-484 940 54
(030-484 953 32)




Mo: 12:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Di: 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Mi: 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Do: 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Fr: 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr


The simple way to write to us
